Friday, October 31, 2008

And then it was gone...

That's his costume at his ankles. Those are tears coming down his cheeks. That is a kid who does not want to trick or treat or even give candy now.

Talan was very quick to be done with Halloween. He didn't care about the candy and decided to be done with his costume. He pulled off his very cute "kelton" and wanted his stroller & baby to push around. So he took his baby trick or treating. He is going to be a great "little daddy".


nana76 said...

Yup, it's over. I think Halloween this year lasted too long a week to be exact. The kids are too smart to think it was fun over and over again. On our way to the church Lexee, Taylor, and Matt all said they didn't want to trick or treat anymore. I think there is a lesson to be learned here. Love ya tons

Hanna said...

I can't say that Kate faired much better... she was so not willing to get into a costume... my poor mom ended up carrying her up to every porch and helping her warm up to the idea of trick or treating... Then she figured it out... they give out candy and she started diggin it!

Wilkinson Crew said...

Hey Heath thanks so much for letting us crash your party we had a lot of fun. I think Tallan put that costume on one too many times. And he was not having that last time.

Cheryl said...

I think going as a little daddy is a great costume idea!