Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's that time again

Every General Conference weekend, we update our 72 hour kits. I feel VERY strongly about the need to keep these updated. I pull out the food and check dates. This time around we replaced fruit snacks, trail mix and crackers. (You'd be surprised at how long tuna stays good.) I urge anyone and everyone to keep these kits ready to roll in case something happens. You will notice there is a 2L of water, this is not quite enough but I want to keep the kits functional in case we have to carry them. They are kept in our luggage, with wheels on the suitcases for easy transport if we are walking somewhere. When we travel we just keep the kit stuff on our bed and when we unpack we repack our emergency kits. They are stored in our coat closet for easy access to both exits. For the kids I added extra comfort items, some coloring books and a stuffed animal.


Cheryl said...

Wow Heather, thanks for reminding me. We had made the resolution to update our 72 hour kits every General Conference, too. It completely slipped my mind.

Hastings Family said...

Great job, sis. I hope you updated mine as well. Thanks for taking care of things. you forgot to add how much the family loves to eat the expired or nearly expired treats!

Tim & Amber said...

Hey Heather! I am sooo glad you found's so nice to hear from you and read your blog. Your family is so darling and you look great! I'm excited to keeping in contact with you...don't you just love the blog world! Chat with you soon!

p.s. sorry for my delay in responding, I was out of town all of last week. Oh...and please tell Cody - Hello! :)

Kelley Rae said...

You are always so good with this stuff. I sure hope people are forgiving when we start living the law of consecration, I won't have much to offer! :)