Saturday, October 11, 2008

Go left? Go right?

Mom and Dad are great examples of deciding to make a change and really sticking to it. They are diligent about their points, their healthy guidelines and continue make great strides towards a healthy lifestyle. This is a dramatic change as their lifestyle has always been packed of skipping meals and eating late at night because of their crazy schedules. I am proud to be on this incredible rollar coaster with them. Mom said she bought a pair of pants that were two sizes smaller than she had worn in years! Yeah! A few months ago we would have all chosen to go to the left and now we are all staying to the right!


ASRussell said...

That is so cool...tell them way to go!!! I love that you have this awesome blog about being healthy and then you scroll down and see the yummy...what a naughty temptation...It makes me want to go out and buy one!!! LOL

Wilkinson Crew said...

Cute blog Heath hope you don't mind that i checked it out. You are welcome to view ours Anyways I was amazed viewing your blog at how well you keep everything together. What an amazing mother you are. Check us out. Summer Wilkinson