Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I married my Prom Date!

Not long after we met, my mom awoke me to a surprise outside. I had been toilet papered. It was about to rain and I was not very happy to have to clean up such a mess. Accompanying the toilet paper mess was a large poster with the words, "All of my hopes and dreams will be flushed, if you don't go to Senior Ball with me." Though I was irritated as the Spring rain started, I accepted the invitation to go with Cody to Senior Ball. I was a Senior Class Officer and this meant that I was involved with the planning of the event. So now Cody was very involved as well. We woke the morning of Senior Ball and headed to the University of Utah, where the dance was going to be held and started with the balloon arch. Cody, blistered but happy was a huge help. He tied hundreds of balloons (I would have, but my nails...) Later that afternoon we went home to get ready. He picked me up with his friends and their dates in a large van. The van was decorated like a Hawaiian Luau, equipped with a volcano in the back made of butcher paper. He and his friends had made leis they gave to us. We went to a friends house for a home cooked meal by our dates. Then off the dance. I had been to many high school dances, but none like this. I was with someone who was different, someone, I knew meant a lot to me already. The theme was Dreams to Remember and this night really was a dream to remember. We had a wonderful time and ended the night with out first kiss! Just for fun, go back to the 90's for a minute...Yep that's babies breath I had shoved into my hair that was in a diamond banana clip, with curly whisps framing my face. My dress had a bow on the back at the waste with sheer stuff hanging from it flowing, and Cody had long hair on top but around his head which was shaved. I was wearing "flats", though that may have been that I didn't want to tower over Co, not necessarily just the style. Ohh the good 'ole days of Kearns High School Senior Ball May 13, 1995.


Leslie Moseley said...

Those were the days... you're adorable Heather! I should drag out some old photos too.

Cheryl said...

Awww, you two are so cute together. I love reading about you reminising Heather--and the
90's were totally cool. I'm glad you lived it up with all of the necessary accesories.

Kelley Rae said...

Oh - the 90's! Love the picture, you two make such a cute couple! I miss the good old days when boys would plan out their dates that well. Now I have to decide everything - Lame! What a fun post!!

ASRussell said...

thanks for posting that fun!!! I love the babies breath!!! You guys are too cute!

Cash Family said...

Oh you two look fantastic. I had my prom at the U also and it was fun. I'm glad that you have such wonderful memories of your hubby.

Melissa said...

What a beautiful picture and memory! I'm so glad you shared, and so sad I missed that part of your life... At least we have now, right? :-)

Alli B said...

What a great picture! I married my Homecoming Date... FUN!

Wilkinson Crew said...

That is so cute.It's good to reminisce about things like that because I am sure that is a night you will never want to forget.

Kim said...

Oh you two are just too cute together! Love the flashback to the 90's!