Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gingerbread House makin'

Despite nighttime sickness, I am still trying to make sure we don't forget any basic traditions. So we bought a pre-made house and stuck it together. You don't see Talan, he was way too busy eating the gum balls.

A New Tradition

We decided to spend a little of our Christmas budget to take our kids to Tepanaki. It was fun to see the kids react to the chef who prepared our meal right before our eyes.
Talan didn't enjoy the shrimp hitting him right in the middle of his cheek. In fact he was very put off that the chef would throw food at him.

The kids ate with chop sticks and actually finished the majority of their meal. Braeden wanted to go back the very next day.

The Forgotten Carols

Every year we have a tradition to see the Forgotten Carols. Mom buys the tickets and we have a grown up night at a wonderful production.
Michael McLean is one of the most talented performers I have ever seen. This production makes us laugh and cry at the same time every single year.

I was scolded by a family member (Steph) for taking this picture. OK it was one of a few. However, the rules say no FLASH photography. (I turned my flash off)
She didn't mind me taking a picture of her, though.

Thanks Mom for providing this wonderful opportunity to truly remind us of the real reason for Christmas. I always leave the production with something newly learned every year.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Who needs a nanny?

We had Logan, Aaliyah & Urban over for a sleepover on Friday. Urban awoke at 7:00 am and by the time I got into him, Lexee had made a bottle and was in the playpen (Thanks to Nessa) feeding him. She said, "Sorry Mommy, I know I am not supposed to be in here, but he was too heavy for me to lift out and he was STARVING, I hope Nessa won't be mad!" She assured me she only used 2 scoops of formula...but we'll never really know...
All of my fears of having a 4th have been subsided, Lex will be there!

The Festival of Trees

Every year we celebrate the Festival of Trees. Traditionally, Angi, Vinessa, Marci, Lexee & Aaliyah and myself go. However, this year Lexee was going to perform at the Festival with L.A. Dance Company so we made it a family event. We were missing Grandpa, Jake & Adam of the Baldwin's but Lexee had a huge crowd to cheer her on.
She has worked really hard this season and did a great job! She is very thankful for Nana and the opportunity she has given Lexee & her cousins to be a part of such a great Dance Company.

Monday, December 1, 2008

And so the traditions begin

Every year we trek downtown to see Temple Square. This year we went with Grandma Baldwin, Jake, Ness, Carter & Ethan. We planned to go a little earlier than usual, and we weren't the only ones.
It was a beautiful night and there were tons of people. Apparantly we weren't the only ones with the great idea. We didn't really have to bundle up, it was quite warm for the time of year. Talan particularly enjoyed the "elephanties". There was one elephant on an ethnic display. I wouldn't have even noticed, but he had to see it up close.
While walking through the crowds we noticed some things people were saying. One man said to another woman, "Oh put your big girl panties on and get over it!" Another woman said to her child, "You don't want to know what'll happen if you poke me in the eye again!" We made it our goal to listen to others as we fought the crowds. It was so funny! Not everyone fares well in crowds.
My cheap digital camera does not do justice to the beauty of the temple. And to top it off the batteries died. But you get the idea!