Monday, November 3, 2008

Chore Time

Lexee is to put all the backpacks in the basket. She also unloads the dishwasher.

Braeden loads the dishwasher & changes the laundry!

Talan helps Braeden by putting the garbage bags in the cans. Notice the bottom one, the sack is lying over the can... he's only 2.

This month I am going to focus my posts on things I am grateful for. Tonight, I am very thankful my children are FINALLY old enough to do real chores.


ASRussell said...

What a great thing to do...I love that you give them all will make them more grateful and appreciate what you do.

Wilkinson Crew said...

That is such a good idea. My 2 and 3 year old are washing their breakfast dishes right now. Although with all the water and soap all over I don't know if they are helping much.

Aunt Pam said...

Good job :)

Kelley Rae said...

Wow - themed again, I am ever impressed! Nice when they can do chores that you don't have to re-do once they are done.

Kim said...

I like the chores of "I am too lazy to get up and do this, so Talisa do this..."

nana76 said...

Way to go...having chores only brings on responsibilty. You are such a great mom

Hanna said...

Amen sister... Amen!

Ness said...

When we're helping we're happy and we sing as we go ...... la la la la

Melissa said...

What fantastic ideas - both to have your children help with family chores, but also to focus your blog on things you are grateful for!