Tuesday, August 4, 2009

bAck 2 ScHooL

I can't believe how big they are getting. Lexee just entered 2nd grade.
Braeden (a little embarrassed of the picture-takin' mom) is now in the 3rd grade.


kimbob said...

where did the summer go? Oh yeah baseball :) Love Brae's face

Cash Family said...

I was always embarassed (however you spell that word) that my mom would take pictures. I always had to get them with my teachers, too. But, now that I am a mom, I know I'll do the same thing. I can't believe how grown up your kids are!

Liza said...

I love that Brae gives you grief! Do it every year, and make sure you give him a big smooch too. I am so looking forward doing things to annoy my girls when they are older :)