Talan learned how to ride his bike without training wheels TODAY. Yep in one day. So I mentioned to Brae how I bet he can't wait to teach McCoy how to do stuff. He replied, "Yep I am gonna teach HIM(with emphasis) how to do the work. Before you GOT PREGNANT (more emphasis) YOU (the most emphasis) used to load the dishwasher!"
Hey, I should have thought of getting the kids to do more work when I was pregnant! Way to go Heather!
hahaha....that is hilarious!!! You should make him do the dishes extra just for that comment!!! TOO FUNNY!
Don't worry I am sure Braeden will have more comments like that before McKoy arrives. Just consider the facts being a boy and the oldest.Don't you love MY spelling for McKoy!! I am still trying to get over the fact that our Talan is riding a two wheeler without training wheels at the young age of three. He is awesome.
How in the world is little Talan riding his bike already?! He is pretty die-hard though, that kid will be trouble. And did I miss something? What happened to Ty?
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