Friday, January 23, 2009

Lexee is so proud...kind of

We decided to do a gender check at the hospital. Lexee came with us, in the event the baby turned out to be a boy, she would be the one to tell people. We felt that the more involved she was the better for both her emotional status and the well-being of our new arrival. So we got situated in the ultra sound room and the tech came in and started checking. The tech then started saying how much she wished she had only brothers and how she wished she could have been the only "princess" in her family. And then it happened. Lexee was reading the TV above when the tech wrote, "It's a brother!" She seemed OK at first...then she started telling people. Pretty soon I started hearing with a tad bit of attitude, "I know, I know I will be the only princess!" or "Yep all brothers!" or "ANOTHER boy!" I have to admit all I could think about was, "Boys get girls preganant...and now my chances are even greater!"


ASRussell said...

congrats....we are very excited for you guys!!!

Jamie said...

Not your boys! If they are like mine, they're perfect and would never do such a thing!!! We're in for it, aren't we?! At least with the girls we can sneak the pill in their cereal, that's Mark's plan, anyway!

Cash Family said...

Yeah! ANother boy! I loved being the only girl. I never had to share my clothes, or toys, or even my room. I got everything for myself!!!!! So, I feel for Lexee though. When my mom was prego with my last brother, I wanted a sister so bad, but now I'm glad I was the only girl. I know, I'm selfish. But now, Lexee does get to be the only princess, and she'll have 3 fabulously macho brothers to protect her!!!! Congrats!

Cheryl said...

Congratulations Heather, wow another boy! In situations like this I celebrate the fact that I have everything I need, and just think of all the fun he will have in your family. As for Lexee, she is such a cutie, I am sure she will be even more appreciated in a family of 3 boys.

Holly Strong said...

Your kids are adorable!!! Congrats on another boy. I think boys are great. When Bennett came she said, "Okay Mom, now I want a sister." Oh boy, what makes her think that she's making me NOT want more girls. LOL

Leslie Moseley said...

What a clever way to help your daughter accept the inevitable!

Connie and Mike said...

Oh how fun...
Ask Holly about it...
It has been good to meet up again with people...


Kim said...

Hope she's doing better and that the attitude is calming down a bit.

Kelley Rae said...

How exciting! I bet Braden can't wait for his new bedroom. Wish I could be there to help - I'd even bring my tools!! We went in but it was inconclusive, so we've got to wait a bit longer. Congrats for you though. Good luck getting ready!