Thursday, April 15, 2010

I am 9 months old!

I weigh 14.1 pounds and I am 25 inches tall. I am sure I will catch up. I love to crawl but I refuse to use both my knees; I get much more leverage when I have a knee up. My mom says I am like a bug, I just appear under her feet without much notice. I love to eat anything and everything that is dropped on the floor. I especially love cottage cheese and avocado in the morning, pasta and yogurt in the afternoon and whatever I am fed for dinner. I will always choose my bottle for comfort though. I love to watch my brothers play. Hide and seek is my favorite thing to do under a blanket. I am for sure mom's happiest baby. I fall asleep in the car no matter how much I have slept previously. I have two small dimples on my cheeks just under my eyes and my hair goes super curly after my bath. I recently learned to clap and I am still lacking in teeth. One day they will push through but in the mean time I love having my gums squeak.


Kim said...

What a cutie! Glad he's been a good baby for ya!

kimbob said...

We love McCoy!! He is so dang cute, just wish he liked me better :) j/k Love all the baseball times we have!

Kelley Rae said...

So so cute! I didn't realize how tiny he was too - he and Marley really are a match made in heaven ;)