Sunday, October 31, 2010

Favorites during one quiet day~ Septemberish 2010

With all the kids in school, Talan needs to find something to do. This fine warm summer-like day Talan decided to make chocolate...very chocolate milk. The chocolate syrup had been opened and used a total of 1 time prior to this yummy snack. Talan poured the entire chocolate bottle into the milk and then stirred his little heart out.
While Talan was parched and fixing himself a snack, McCoy just eats sand. He is found in this little sand box his aunts gave him for his birthday. He LOVES this little heaven for little boys.
He can get in and out of it all by himself. He has also mastered getting sand into every crevice he has, including his nose.

Fall 2010

It's pretty sad when the title of the post is a season and year. I don't really know why I slacked so much in blogging. I really love it and love to read others. I guess life just gets a little too busy stalking people on Facebook, I don't have enough time to document our lives. Just kidding! I need to be better. Here we are at the Gallivan Center for Trick or Treating. The only picture where McCoy is not running off... Gallivan Center attempting to get all of the kids to look at the camera while that crazy McCoy Monkey kept running off! He is fun these days!
See McCoy Monkey is trying to run off again. Here we are getting ready to ride Trax to the Gallivan Center.
Still running...but I did catch up to him! We had a great Halloween beginning the very long day at the above mentioned Gallivan Center, then we went to Merab's Halloween Party at Spring Creek followed by a very wet/turned inside Trunk R Treating at the church followed by soup at home with lotsa cousins and family followed by a very WELCOME HOME RICHARD at 11:43pm, where he returned from Afghanistan after a very long 400 days!

We went to the Corn Maze on Family Night. McCoy couldn't run, so he didn't have too much fun. The other kids were very tired and saw no point in walking through a bunch of corn just to end where they started. Hmmm what is the point of that? Oh well....traditions don't always make sense. Lexee was particularly happy. Talan was lazy on top of the stoller and enjoyed being pushed around the entire night~

Talan's First Day of Preschool...or first day away from me

Seriously! I just wanted one nice pose before he left for school. "Just stand there Talan with a cute smile on your face!" Talan replied, "I AM!"
"There is this better MOM!!" " NO Talan just stand there so I can take a nice picture to show your future wife." " There Mom, now she will think I am smokin' hot!" I am not kidding he truly said that!!! What will I ever do without him here ALL DAY LONG.

Monday, September 27, 2010

First Day of School 8/16/2010

Braeden and Lexee started school in August. They worked really hard to pick out the perfect "look" for the new year. Lexee decided she wanted to "swoop" bang and for people to know she is a girly girl. Lexee started the 3rd grade with Mrs. Weller. She has many friends in her class. She is guilty of being a little boy crazy, but she seems to enjoy her classmates. I was lucky to get any picture of Braeden he started to walk quickly into his classroom when he saw me. One of these days he will be glad I took a few pictures while he was young. He started the 4th grade. His teacher is Mrs. Gray. He is doing really well in class and seems to enjoy playing football at recess.

It goes without saying, the first day of school is quite stressful. These pictures are very little because we were almost late searching for the camera...with no luck. So these pictures are copied from Facebook, THANKS Aunt Jaymi for taking them with her camera!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Braeden turned 10! July 16, 2010

I can't believe that 10 years ago we brought home our sweet little Braeden. Weighing in 6# 8oz he was perfect. After an uneventful labor, life flight took our sick newborn to Primary Childrens where he would fight for his life for 6 pain staking weeks in the NICU. Our Pediatrician is still astonished that an infant this sick would pull through and turn into a strapping 105#, witty, athletic, sensitive young man. I am so thankful that Braeden was my first born. He is responsible and loving. He sets goals and achieves them. He lives for Baseball. He enjoys recess the most at school. He is a great student and has many friends. Over the past year Braeden has earned the Bear in Cub Scouts, made the Kearns All Stars Team, earned and saved $60 for a new bat and showers at least once sometimes twice a day. He asked on his first day of school, "Hey Mom, think the girls are gonna chase me this year lookin this hot?" Yep, he requested skinny jeans, DC tennis shoes and graphic tees for school clothes. Happy Birthday Braeden!!!

Baseball Season Spring 2010

I was really really bad at taking pictures this baseball season. Braeden played for Willie Garcia and the A's this Spring on Kearns Babe Ruth. He loved his coaches and the entire team he played with. They came in 2nd place with only 1 more loss than the 1st place team. It was really close. His skills became really apparent as the catcher. He enjoyed this position and he did really well with it.
He tried out for the Kearns All Stars Team and made it. This was a really stressful experience. With the continued parental drama and different coaching styles, we learned and grew as baseball fans. Braeden played really well and enjoyed catching and playing 1st base for this team. This photo is of him trying out for the All Stars but wouldn't you know it, I didn't take a single picture of the tournament.

Talan played for the Kearns American Pee Wee team. Of course he loved every minute of it. He was nicknamed early on as Mighty Mouse because he was small but a powerful hitter. His coach gave him T-ball bats for fear the larger bats were too big. I told Dustin to give him the bigger bat and wouldn't you know it, he hit the ball almost every time. We were super proud of him, I fear we have a long run for baseball with him since he started so young. It's a good thing we really like the sport.

LA Dance Mini Team

Lexee ended her first year on the Mini Specialty Team with 4 second place tournaments. She really grew with this experience. She made lots of new friends and looked forward to dance every week.

She did so well that LA Dance invited her to join the Pre-teen Specialty Team for the 2010-2011 season. She was really excited to move up. With this team comes a Ballet Technique class. She has really made up proud with her dedication that she shows.

Kearns Hometown Parade

Another year another big Kearns Hometown Days Parade. This year both Lexee and Taylor danced. They performed really well and enjoyed every minute of it.

My First Birthday!

I can't believe that it has been 1 year. McCoy is the light of our lives. He is such a sweet, cuddly baby. He loved going to town on his birthday cake. We celebrated at the Kearns Oquirrh Park Fitness Center with family and friends. He got a Flintstone car, ride on toy, sand box, baseball toy, trucks and lots of sand toys as well as many outfits. He is such a lucky boy.
McCoy says: Mom Mom, Ad dad, Yes and shakes his head no.
Favorite Food: Watermelon, he comes running
Started walking about 2 weeks before his birthday
Weighs: 15# 10oz and is 26 inches long
Wearing: a 3-6 month outfit for his birthday
Loves being outside
Finds dirt anywhere and digs like a puppy
When he smiles he has the cutest dimples. He squints his little eyes and bobs his head. He wakes up so happy in the morning and enjoys a bowl of Marshmallow maties or Cheerios and a bottle. He loves hot dogs and pasta. He loves to find water and splash or walk through the sprinklers. He loves to swing and ride in the stroller. He is quite the little blondie with curls especially when his hair is wet. He only stands in his high chair and can't go down stairs yet. He won't keep shoes on and if left in just a diaper will remove as fast as he can. Happy Birthday McCoy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Easter baskets came with a special toy, coordinating shirts and a few sweet treats.

Seriously Talan! This blue took days to come off!

What a good helper he was. He only cracked 7 eggs. I know one might ask, "Why did you keep giving him them?"

The night before I forgot that the Easter Bunny hides the eggs. So I ran to get the essential supplies and Mom was there to lend a helping hand. I used to be really on top of holiday traditions. But now I am just lucky that my kids bathe regularly and they are dressed...most of the time.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I am 9 months old!

I weigh 14.1 pounds and I am 25 inches tall. I am sure I will catch up. I love to crawl but I refuse to use both my knees; I get much more leverage when I have a knee up. My mom says I am like a bug, I just appear under her feet without much notice. I love to eat anything and everything that is dropped on the floor. I especially love cottage cheese and avocado in the morning, pasta and yogurt in the afternoon and whatever I am fed for dinner. I will always choose my bottle for comfort though. I love to watch my brothers play. Hide and seek is my favorite thing to do under a blanket. I am for sure mom's happiest baby. I fall asleep in the car no matter how much I have slept previously. I have two small dimples on my cheeks just under my eyes and my hair goes super curly after my bath. I recently learned to clap and I am still lacking in teeth. One day they will push through but in the mean time I love having my gums squeak.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lexee's baptism

Lexee was baptized and became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Saturday March 6, 2010. She was so excited but she said she was just a little nervous. She was definately the princess of the day. She loved all the attention her family and friends gave her. We felt so loved by all who attended. Her dad baptized and confirmed her giving her the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Cody blessed that Lexee would listen to the Holy Spirit to make good decisions. He also blessed her that should would strive to walk in the footsteps of our Savior. I am so thankful that Cody honors his priesthood and is able to perform these saving ordinances.
Details of the baptism: Aunt Ness gave the Holy Ghost talk. Grandpa Thompson and Grandpa Baldwin witnessed the sacred ordinance. She chose her dress and wanted a flower in her hair. We held the luncheon in the cultural hall afterwards. She told me she wanted Spaghetti and Meatballs and caramel apples. Our entire Primary Presidency and her Primary teachers were both there as well as the 1st counselor of the Bishopric. All of her immediate family was there. Aunt Susan, Aunt Pam, Uncle Grant, Uncle Scott and Aunt Delynn as well as Melissa, Michael, Jamie and Elayne made a special effort to come. Our special friends The Mortensons, The Taylors, The Moffitts and The Graysons also joined us for. We missed those who couldn't make it and are so grateful for those who made the special effort to share this day with us. We are particularly thankful that Grandpa Baldwin was discharged from the hospital and able to be there.
We are so proud that Lexee made this important decision. I am so thankful for the opportunity that we have to be baptized and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

Happy Birthday Lex!!!

Our sweet little Lexee turned 8 years old on February 24th. She was really excited about her birthday. She turned to me and said, "Mom, I think for my birthday I want to come home and see all of my friends jump out at me and yell HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Yep, she asked for her own surprise birthday party. I told her better luck next year since she told me this news the day before her birthday. For her birthday we had a family party and her aunts and uncles and Grampa and Nana came over. Grandpa Baldwin was sick so he had to stay at home, and Grandma stayed with him. Lexee stands about 42 inches tall and weighs 49 pounds. She is growing into a beautiful girl. She loves dancing, drawing, and cooking. Her favorite foods are candy, candy and more candy, spaghetti & meatballs, and caramel apples. She passes her days by painting her nails, putting lip gloss on and playing games like Uno. Her favorite subject in school is Math and she is really good at it. She is in the 2nd grade. Her school friends are MiKayla, Camila, Zoey, Mariah & Kiley. She takes really good care of her baby brother. She changes a great diaper and can make the best tasting bottle ever. We love you Lexee! Happy Birthday!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Hey Co~ I want to learn a new skill..."

So last Monday, Cody had a spontaneos day off work so we went to lunch with former co-workers. I began feeling useless since I don't work anymore. I decided I needed to learn a new skill... Yep Cody was totally on board....sort of.
Within the next two hours our bathroom went from that to this.
-toilet- gone, mint green vanity- gone, mint green squared vinyl flooring- gone
I began painting on Tuesday morning finished at 10:30am. Then I started trying to cut the cement board. Man that's heavy stuff. I carried it from the garage to the front room, that's as far as I got. Then after calling Dad, I realized that we had bit off more than we could chew. So I made a call to Alli's brother who came and tiled for us.
By Wednesday night we had tile...real tile.
Next came the vanity, which Cody screwed to the wall, then the sink, then the new towel racks, floor boards, culk and reinstallation of the toilet.
WARNING: Don't lean on the sink. The sink will fall off...we still can't seem to glue it down (plumbers putty and construction adhesive~worthless)
WARNING: Don't pull too hard on the towel racks as they will fall.
WARNING: There is no toilet paper holder but you can find rolls and rolls under the sink. new skill learned was realizing that I don't and can't remodel and should never be allowed to try. I understand this now and won't try again. I guess my new skill is learning to fold 'em (cards...when you don't have a good hand and you need to walk away from the poker table)
Cody said the next time he has a day off he is going back to work, when he's not here I don't plan these fun project :)

Next project: Now that we have seen tile work, I know we can do it~ KITCHEN FLOOR IS NEXT

Saturday, January 9, 2010

So it's been 3 months...

Where have we been and what have we been doing for the last 3 months. Just a run down of things happening missing the camera.
~In November, I finally graduated with a Bachelors in Human Services. I am thrilled to be done and now continue to fill my day with Primary stuff. The week of graduation I was called as the Primary President. After a short run with Heather Sharp as her first counselor and a longer run with Alyssa Earl as her first counselor I was called in early November. The job has kept me hopping and I love every minute of it. I have huge shoes to fill and hope to fill at least half and I will have accomplished my goals. The baby blues are finally a thing of the past.
~Cody continues to enjoy his work at Kennecott. The union signed another 7 year contract with a slight fear of strike. He turned 33 at the end of December and really thought long and hard about those he knew of that died at this ripe old age. He then remembered they they (Jesus and Joseph Smith)did not die of natural old age causes. :) He picked up a truck that he has always wanted and now says he has everything his heart has ever desired.
~Braeden is counting down the days until baseball sign-ups.
~Talan is counting down until he can play "real baseball on Jake's team"
~Lex danced her heart out at LA Dance Company's Production of The Christmas Carol. We are looking forward to a spring filled with competition, camp and spring recital.
~McCoy is anxiously awaiting his ability to crawl.

Ice Skating

It's kind of like Rollar blading only "colder"

Helmets and a walker~A must for first timers. Cody's is to the left... Ok he did a great job mentioning that he was feeling old.

Enjoying every minute and eventually ditched the walker.

Almost 6 months old, McCoy is enjoying life. He laughs, sits almost independently and rolls over. He still loves the big green and the bath. He will only sleep if he is swaddled tight. He laughs at his brothers and sister who love and protect him. He weighs 12.6 pounds and is 24 inches tall. Still below the growth chart but growing strong. He is developing perfectly and a joy to have in our family.

Happy Birthday Talan!

YAY he finally "turned to 4"! He is such fun kid to have around. He continues to play and run. He is the best "bull" and loves to play ball inside or outside. He will often say, "Mommy don't cry or else I will to." He will also follow "I love you" with "infinity I win". He will refer to himself in the third party for example, "All of the Lexees are mean to Talans". He went to the Doctor this week and was found to be very healthy. He weighs in at 39 lbs and 32 inches tall (both 25th percentile). He makes up in personality what he may lack in height :) He lights up a room and makes anything he does fun!
Christmas Day we spent with Grandpa and Nana.
Really enjoyed her Littlest Pet Shop & Craft kits.

First Christmas and first Sunday outfit from Nana. Talan not so impressed yet. He was a little later when Grandpa pulled out his dirt bike. He only freaked out a little when he saw the training wheels which were promised to be taken off really soon.

Surprised the most by his PSP and now a new game.
We were so blessed this year. We celebrated our Savior's birth the entire month of December so we wouldn't be too sad that Cody had to work. We still missed him but we are grateful for his job. We had a great Christmas Holiday and enjoyed the simplicity of the season.