Sunday, August 22, 2010

Braeden turned 10! July 16, 2010

I can't believe that 10 years ago we brought home our sweet little Braeden. Weighing in 6# 8oz he was perfect. After an uneventful labor, life flight took our sick newborn to Primary Childrens where he would fight for his life for 6 pain staking weeks in the NICU. Our Pediatrician is still astonished that an infant this sick would pull through and turn into a strapping 105#, witty, athletic, sensitive young man. I am so thankful that Braeden was my first born. He is responsible and loving. He sets goals and achieves them. He lives for Baseball. He enjoys recess the most at school. He is a great student and has many friends. Over the past year Braeden has earned the Bear in Cub Scouts, made the Kearns All Stars Team, earned and saved $60 for a new bat and showers at least once sometimes twice a day. He asked on his first day of school, "Hey Mom, think the girls are gonna chase me this year lookin this hot?" Yep, he requested skinny jeans, DC tennis shoes and graphic tees for school clothes. Happy Birthday Braeden!!!

Baseball Season Spring 2010

I was really really bad at taking pictures this baseball season. Braeden played for Willie Garcia and the A's this Spring on Kearns Babe Ruth. He loved his coaches and the entire team he played with. They came in 2nd place with only 1 more loss than the 1st place team. It was really close. His skills became really apparent as the catcher. He enjoyed this position and he did really well with it.
He tried out for the Kearns All Stars Team and made it. This was a really stressful experience. With the continued parental drama and different coaching styles, we learned and grew as baseball fans. Braeden played really well and enjoyed catching and playing 1st base for this team. This photo is of him trying out for the All Stars but wouldn't you know it, I didn't take a single picture of the tournament.

Talan played for the Kearns American Pee Wee team. Of course he loved every minute of it. He was nicknamed early on as Mighty Mouse because he was small but a powerful hitter. His coach gave him T-ball bats for fear the larger bats were too big. I told Dustin to give him the bigger bat and wouldn't you know it, he hit the ball almost every time. We were super proud of him, I fear we have a long run for baseball with him since he started so young. It's a good thing we really like the sport.

LA Dance Mini Team

Lexee ended her first year on the Mini Specialty Team with 4 second place tournaments. She really grew with this experience. She made lots of new friends and looked forward to dance every week.

She did so well that LA Dance invited her to join the Pre-teen Specialty Team for the 2010-2011 season. She was really excited to move up. With this team comes a Ballet Technique class. She has really made up proud with her dedication that she shows.

Kearns Hometown Parade

Another year another big Kearns Hometown Days Parade. This year both Lexee and Taylor danced. They performed really well and enjoyed every minute of it.

My First Birthday!

I can't believe that it has been 1 year. McCoy is the light of our lives. He is such a sweet, cuddly baby. He loved going to town on his birthday cake. We celebrated at the Kearns Oquirrh Park Fitness Center with family and friends. He got a Flintstone car, ride on toy, sand box, baseball toy, trucks and lots of sand toys as well as many outfits. He is such a lucky boy.
McCoy says: Mom Mom, Ad dad, Yes and shakes his head no.
Favorite Food: Watermelon, he comes running
Started walking about 2 weeks before his birthday
Weighs: 15# 10oz and is 26 inches long
Wearing: a 3-6 month outfit for his birthday
Loves being outside
Finds dirt anywhere and digs like a puppy
When he smiles he has the cutest dimples. He squints his little eyes and bobs his head. He wakes up so happy in the morning and enjoys a bowl of Marshmallow maties or Cheerios and a bottle. He loves hot dogs and pasta. He loves to find water and splash or walk through the sprinklers. He loves to swing and ride in the stroller. He is quite the little blondie with curls especially when his hair is wet. He only stands in his high chair and can't go down stairs yet. He won't keep shoes on and if left in just a diaper will remove as fast as he can. Happy Birthday McCoy!