Monday, October 19, 2009

Last game of the season

For Fall ball we joined the Cal Ripkin League since our coach Bob wasn't coaching for Kearns American. Overall we had a good experience with the league and Braeden has done really well.
Sliding head first into home and was safe by the hair on his chinny chin chin!

Waiting to steal home.

Hit two triples this game! I am so proud of him, he progressed into such a great ball player this year. We have looked forward to all his games from early spring until now. A year of great friends and playing ball, what more could a 9 year old want.

He was given a chance to catch this season and decided he really enjoyed playing this position. He pitched and played 1st base as well. One of his coaches said he was an "all around good ball player." We were very proud of him! Thanks to all who came to watch him!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

He FINALLY gets to play!

Waiting to steal home! (or be told by the base coach to run to the next base)
Check out the stance of that batter! This was after the true wind-up! He practiced on our Hit-away for hours just for his games! He was so excited to finally get to play a game.
This one went ALMOST to the pitchers mound!

Running for the ball (with all 12 other players) Once he got to the ball he just laid there, after being tackled by another player, and wouldn't throw the ball or even stand up. It was cute the first couple of games but then our cute coach Kim held the tacklers by their hoods! It was great! Peewees Kearns American in the spring!